Wednesday, 21 March 2018

World Down Syndrome Day!

Today, 21 March 2018 marks the 13th anniversary of World Down Syndrome Day (WDSD).
Down Syndrome also known as trisomy 21, is a genetic disorder caused by the presence of all or part of a third copy of chromosome 21. It is typically associated with physical growth delays, characteristic facial features and mild to moderate intellectual disability.
Adequate access to health care, early intervention programmes, special and inclusive education, as well as appropriate research, are vital to the growth and development of individuals with Down Syndrome.
The theme of WDSD 2018 is #WhatIBringToMyCommunity
This theme focuses on how people with Down syndrome can and do make meaningful contributions throughout their lives, whether in schools, workplaces, living in the community, public and political life, culture, media, recreation, leisure and sport.
The C.A.D.E.T. Academy and the Dewdrops Community Centre for Special Needs love and support persons with Down Syndrome.

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