Sunday 22 December 2013

Practical Holiday Tips...

Now that the Christmas holidays are here, one great way that parents can encourage speech and language development during this period is to keep daily, meaningful, understandable language flowing. For example, your child's conversation topics should be filled with the Christmas and holiday vocabulary. You can work this plan together with your child's speech language pathologist. Also, ensure that you answer your child every time he/she speaks to you, and let him/her know that you value everything he/she has to say. Look at your child when you speak to him/her, even if the child is non-verbal.

If your child asks a continuous stream of questions, saying it back the to him/her may break the cycle, especially if the child already knows the answer. For example, Child: "Are we going to the mall from here?" Adult: "Yinka, are we going to the mall from here?" Child: "Yes!"

Please note that singing is also speech. Therefore, if your child learns songs easily, use that strength to enhance his/her language skills. Talk about new words in the song he/she may not understand; and make sure you distinguish nonsense words from real words.

Finally, take time to enjoy your times together and have lots of fun this holiday. Merry Christmas! 

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